Yum Yum Things

Saturday, April 16, 2011

middle eastern spiced pita sandwitch

Every time I buy rotisserie chicken from Costco, I have left overs. So I turn the left over chicken into a middle eastern sandwich by adding chick pea, lemon, cumin, chili pepper, garlic. saute them on the frying pan until they become crispy. to brighten the sandwich, I stuffed it with arugula, cucumber, tomato and yogurt sauce.

Strawberry Jam

Yesterday, I found strawberry was on sale. so I bought 8lb of them to make a year supply of strawberry jam/thick sauce. I have a big freezer at home for my business so I normally make freezer jam. Since freezer jam contains less sugar, I prefer that way. and I recycle glass jars.

I also added lemon peel and juice(at the end) from my friends garden to cut the sweetness and also enhanced strawberry flavor.

I use this jam/thick sauce for smoothie, over ice cream, betoween the layer of cake, with some cheese on the cracker and on and on, you name it.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Chocolate truffles

Yesterday, my little kitchen became a chocolate factory...
I made more than 200 chocolate truffles for my friend.

I love chocolate so I never thought I get sick from chocolate until last night...